Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gnome 2.30

Gnome 2.30's been released and if you're testing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 1, you'll be getting the new Gnome packages through updates.

My system's not fully updated yet as some packages are still to be updated in the repos, e.g. Evolution is still at 2.28.3, but I reckon by Sunday, the update should be more or less complete.

As with the 10.04 Beta itself, no issues to report yet.

1 comment:

mm02b said...

well I should add that Arch have got Gnome 2.30 out of the door pretty sharpish too.

Broke with the discipline and after 2.6.32-19 kernel update to Ubuntu-10.04, couldn't resist logging in to Arch and Gentoo/Funtoo.

[code]pacman -Syu[/code] gave me 131 updates after just 5 days away!